Author - 10MostToday

10 Most Amazing Trees In The World

Most Amazing Trees

Do you know that saying can’t see the forest for the trees? Well, long time ago I wrote about the most beautiful forests in the world, but it occurred to me that I never wrote about individual trees, or tree species. So here it is, 10 famous and amazing trees: either specific individual trees, small groves, or unique species. 1. General...

10 Worst Aviation Accidents In History

Worst Aviation Accidents

The following is a list of the 10 deadliest aviation accidents in history. The list excludes deliberate aviation catastrophes like the September 11 terror attacks   1. Pan Am flight 1736 and KLM flight 4805 On 27 March 1977 two Boeing 747 aircrafts collided on the runway of Los Rodeos airport in Tenerife island. 583 died and only 61 survived...

10 Best Attractions In Jerusalem

Best Attractions In Israel

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and certainly one of the most sacred places in the world to the three major religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The old city of Jerusalem is protected by city walls that date back to the 16th century, when Jerusalem was under the regime of the Ottoman empire. These walls were built over...

10 Great Hot Springs You Can Bathe In

Hot Springs

A hot spring or a thermal lake is a body of water heated by geothermal groundwater. Such hot springs exists all over the world, but you can’t really bathe in many of them, either due to access issues, or because the water is just way too hot or contains dangerous compositions. We gathered a list of 10 great hot springs you can actually bathe...

10 Places To Visit Before They Disappear

Places To Visit

Looking for a destination for your upcoming vacation? Before you decide, keep in mind that some of the world’s most beautiful and most unique places are changing, some might lose their magic, while others might disappear completely. Before you is a list of 10 such destinations.   1. The Glacier on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro...

10 Best Attractions In New Zealand

Best Attractions In New Zealand

New Zealand is absolutely the place for nature lovers. The remote country is composed of two islands – the North Island and the South Island. The North Island is the smaller but more populous island. It is home to Auckland, the country’s largest city, and Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city. The South Island is larger but much...

10 Outdated Gadgets No One Uses Anymore

Outdated Gadgets

Jerry: Dad, it’s got lots of other functions. Morty: Don’t worry. I’ll get to the other functions.. (Seinfeld, The Wizard) Technology is moving faster and faster, and consumers are having a hard time keeping up. The phone you bought just last year knowing it’s the best in the market, looks today like old news with poor...

10 Best Attractions In Florence

Best Attractions In Florence

Italy is among the most visited countries in the world. The most visited city in Italy is not surprisingly Rome, but Italy has much more to offer than just Rome. If you visit the wonderful region of Tuscany for either a wine tour, a road trip, or just a short visit, you must visit Florence, Tuscany’s capital. Florence has a lot to offer, and...

10 Best Zoos In The World

Best Zoos

Most of us don’t live in the African savanna or in the jungles of South America, so when we wish to take a glimpse at the world’s most amazing animals, we usually go to the Zoo. But what makes a zoo a great zoo? A great zoo treats the animals as residents rather than prisoners. Supplies optimal living conditions to the animals, to make...

10 Best Science Museums In The World

Best Science Museums

The term Science Museum refers to a museum dedicated to either a specific branch of science or technology, or a general science museum that corresponds with many fields of science, natural history and technology. Many science museums have multimedia displays and active displays which are great for children, and many of those museums are preferred...

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