10 Longest Life Span Animals

Here’s a list of the 10 Longest Life Span animals found on Earth.  From Cetaceans (whales) to Crustaceans (shellfish), I’m sure some in the list will really surprise you.

1. Arctica Islandica (Ocean quahog)– this is a species of edible clam. It has a life span of 405 – 410 years and there were reports of a maximum age of 507 years!

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Arctica Islandia

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Arctica Islandia

2. Bowhead Whales – Life span of about 200 years. Although this idea was unproven for a time, recent research has indicated that bowhead whales recently killed still had harpoons in their bodies from about 1890, which, along with analysis of amino acids, has indicated a maximum life span of 177 to 245 years.

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Bowhead Whales

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Bowhead Whales

3. Eels – Thought to have a life span of over 150 years.

Eels - Thought to have a life span of over 150 years

Eels – Thought to have a life span of over 150 years

4. Tuataras – The tuatara is a reptile that is endemic to New Zealand and which, though it resembles most lizards, is part of a distinct lineage, order Rhynchocephalia. These amazing reptiles are thought to have a life span of 100 – 200 years and more.

Tuataras - life span of 100 - 200 years and more

Tuataras – life span of 100 – 200 years and more

5. Galapagos giant tortoise– life span of 190 years. People come from all over the world to watch these magnificent creatures in the Galapagos Islands which is on the UNESCO world heritage list.

Longest Life Span Animals

Galapagos giant tortoise

6. Greenland Sharks– The Greenland Shark is a species of shark native to the North Atlantic. It is believed to have a life span of over 200 years.

Longest Life Span Animals

Greenland Sharks

7. Koi– The Koi fish has a life span of over 200 years. This Japanese species of fish is a domesticated common carp that is kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or water gardens.

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Koi fish

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Koi fish

8. Macaws – Macaws are long-tailed, often colourful parrots, that can live up to 80 – 100 years in captivity.

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Macaws

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Macaws

9. Asian elephants – The Asian Elephant is known to have reached a maximum life span of about 86 years.

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Asian Elephants

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Asian Elephants

10. Horses – Depending on breed, management and environment, the modern domestic horse has a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years.  Uncommonly, a few animals live into their 40s and, occasionally, beyond.  The oldest verifiable record was “Old Billy”, a 19th-century horse that lived to the age of 62.

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Horse

10 Longest Life Span Animals: Horse

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